The Young Professional Membership status is available to every prospective applicant under the age of 40;  it offers membership at one-half of the regular annual dues ($440 vs $880), has NO $100 new member orientation fee and includes TWO meeting lunches each month.  Additional lunches each month cost $18/meal and are due at the meeting.  This membership status, which will save the member money and encourage attendance, can be enjoyed for up to two years, providing 50% participation (meetings, service projects, mixers, etc) is maintained the first year.  After two years at this level, members are required to move to regular member status.  Several of our current under-40 members are taking advantage of this option and new young professionals are pursuing it more and more!  Take a look and see if it's right for you!  We welcome your interest --- and application, (see left) --- in East Wichita Rotary!    Please note:  the structure of this membership status may be subject to change at any time.